Maryland's Current US House Delegation
Dive into the accomplishments of Maryland's current US House representatives.
Before diving in, I want to give a quick nod to Emerge Maryland: an organization that recruits and trains Democratic women to run for office. Please take a moment to support their cause by contributing or getting involved!
This week, Maryland held its primaries. As expected, every US House incumbent running for re-election sailed through their primary. Overall, Maryland’s Democratic primaries were simply an affirmation of current leadership from Maryland’s voters. (The Republican primaries, meanwhile, gave voters a slate of unelectable candidates, as expected.) So instead of diving into takeaways, I wanted to highlight the accomplishments of Maryland’s current US House delegation as they include a former president of the NAACP, the impeachment manager for Trump’s second impeachment and the most senior Democrat in the US House.
Maryland’s Current US House Representatives
…and it must be said: the lack of women is a problem, especially in 2022.